
Each week we bring to you a discussion on the latest trends in digital marketing and how you can actually implement these strategies into your organization.

#90 Dive Into Talent Development with Heather Boyle

“LinkedIn has been really good for us… we’ve grown our followers by 300%, which is huge, just by using this free tool.” -Heather Boyle
Heather Boyle is a Learning Solution Designer with over twenty years of experience in sales and adult learning. She holds a BS in Organizational Communication from Providence College, an M.Ed. in eLearning and Instructional Design from Northeastern University and certifications in Managing Learning Programs and Adult and Organizational Learning. For two years, Heather has served as the VP of Marketing on the Board of Directors for ATD Bay Colonies, a local chapter of The Association for Talent Development, a non-profit organization serving learning and talent development professionals. Heather believes selling is helping, and when it comes to selling learning, there is no greater truth. In this episode, learn how a nonprofit organization leverages organic marketing on LinkedIn and email to engage members without a large budget and discover scrappy marketing tactics that drive growth.

About the Episode

A Closer Look at ATD Rhode Island

Heather is a critical member of the board at ATD Rhode Island, a chapter of the national association—Association for Talent Development (ATD). ATD stands at the forefront of professional development, especially for learning and performance professionals. It’s here where Heather has carved her niche, offering her expertise as VP of Marketing.

Operating as a member-driven, volunteer-run nonprofit, the organization heavily depends on its board to disseminate information. “Utilizing our networks for really just getting the message out,” Heather explains.

The Appeal of Being on the Board

For Heather, joining the board wasn’t just about fulfilling a role. It was a transformational experience, especially during the solitude imposed by the pandemic. The board provided a sense of community and allowed Heather to further develop her skills as a learning designer and instructional designer. She fondly recalls, “What’s been great about being on the board is having this sort of team environment.”

EPB Rhode Island’s Marketing Philosophies

As the board’s VP of Marketing, Heather brings a unique philosophy to the table. With a lean budget reflective of their nonprofit status, ATD Rhode Island takes an organic, resourceful, and highly collaborative approach to marketing. Their strategies hinge on maximizing resources and leveraging technology, focusing on creating an exceptional member experience through consistent, valuable programming.

“Our marketing is very member-focused,” Heather emphasizes, underlining the organization’s commitment to value and relevancy for its members as the primary growth catalyst.

Bootstrap Marketing in Action

In discussing practical marketing approaches, Heather highlights the importance of the free tools provided by their primary social channel—LinkedIn. Over the past 18 months, ATD Rhode Island’s followers on the platform have surged by an impressive 300%. This is attributed to their ingenuity in leveraging the LinkedIn algorithm, encouraging engagement from their network to increase visibility.

But it’s not just about social media presence. Heather notes the critical role of member management software in marketing efforts. The software’s automated email functionality has been instrumental in maintaining an excellent open rate for their newsletter—boasting a remarkable 46%. This is reflective of their strategic use of data to understand and engage their audience effectively.

Navigating LinkedIn Without the Hard Sell

On LinkedIn, ATD Rhode Island takes a distinctly non-aggressive stance. Their focus centers on providing value without the dreaded hard sell. “We are not looking to harass members or reach out directly,” Heather affirms. Instead, board members invite their networks to follow the company page in a way that’s respectful and organic.

The Secret to a Stellar Open Rate

Heather attributes their email newsletter’s success to insightful data utilization and the intention to deliver helpful content. By examining patterns and preferences, the organization enhances its newsletter with attractive layouts, event photography, and relevant information—increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Defining Success in Nonprofit Marketing

For Heather, marketing in a nonprofit context is tantamount to providing a service. It’s about helping and enhancing professional development. This view helps align marketing efforts with the organization’s values and service orientation—an approach that differentiates their initiatives in a post-pandemic world where a digital footprint is crucial.

What’s on the Horizon for ATD Rhode Island in 2024?

The upcoming year is brimming with excitement for Heather and ATD Rhode Island. A name change is underway, from ATD Bay Colonies to ATD Rhode Island, which will be accompanied by a new website launch. More so, a pivotal focus will be accessibility in marketing, ensuring all materials are user-friendly for a diverse audience.

Follow ATD Rhode Island’s journey and innovations on their website https://atdbaycolonies.org/ and connect with them on LinkedIn. If you’re interested in meeting Heather and learning from her firsthand, catch her presentation at the ATD Chapter Leaders Conference in New Orleans on May 18, where the topic will be “Scrappy and Strategic: Leveraging Digital Marketing to Engage Chapter Members.”

We thank Heather for sharing her insights and experiences with us, offering a glimpse into the heart of a nonprofit organization dedicated to the growth and development of talent professionals. Keep an eye on their evolving journey—it’s one aimed not only at professional enrichment but also at creating a world that works better for everyone.

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