
Each week we bring to you a discussion on the latest trends in digital marketing and how you can actually implement these strategies into your organization.

#91 A Deep Dive Into Customer Centricity with Adrian Speyer from the Customer Leaders Institute

“I think the dirty secret of marketing on a lot of things is sometimes things happen behind closed doors, and people just kind of make decisions without actually talking to people.” -Adrian Speyer
Adrian Speyer is an accomplished marketing and community leader, currently serving as the Vice-President of Marketing & Community at CLI, an education and research community focused on empowering customer-centric professionals in their career development. Adrian has successfully collaborated with global brands such as Qualtrics, IBM, Acer, TeamViewer, D2L, Smartsheet, SmartRecruiter, and TSIA to enhance their community programs. Adrian is author of “The Accidental Community Manager,” a comprehensive guide for first-time B2B community builders. In this episode, Adrian and Andrew have a candid discussion on content strategies to engage modern audiences. Listen to this episode to gain insider tips from a marketing leader on trends like shorter formats, AI newsletters, and leveraging online communities.

About the Episode

A New Dawn for the Community Leaders

Adrian shared the story of their significant rebranding from the Community Leaders Institute to what it’s now known – the Customer Leaders Institute. This pivot reflects a broader, more holistic approach to understanding and empowering professionals who champion customer centricity.

Having spent a decade in the community software space and fifteen years in semiconductor marketing before that, Adrian brings a wealthy background to his current role. It’s this marriage of insight and experience that helps drive the Institute’s dedication to original research and educational resources aimed at enhancing careers and professions with the customer at the heart.

The VP of Marketing’s Day-to-Day

So, what does a typical day in the life of a VP of Marketing and Community look like? Prepare for a content creation extravaganza! Adrian and his team spend a hefty chunk of their time planning, brainstorming, and executing ideas that align with their content calendar. They like to stay ahead of the game, planning at least one quarter in advance to dodge the last-minute rush that plagues so many organizations.

“We try to plan one quarter ahead, so we don’t get caught… you never have enough time,” Adrian remarks, emphasizing the importance of striking the balance between agile and planned content marketing.

Juicy Content With a Side of Strategy

Each quarter, the institute churns out a meaty research piece and updates their quarterly magazine, keeping their event schedule tightly woven into their content landscape. This strategic planning lets them map out broad strokes for major content pieces while leaving room for adjustments based on new ideas and timely opportunities.

“But it’s good to have those milestone kind of things,” Adrian explains, reflecting on the need for agility in content planning. A well-oiled machine ensures they’re never caught off guard when, say, Halloween rolls around.

The Power of Listening and Engaging Content

Crafting engaging content that advances the customer journey isn’t just about getting words on a page. It’s a craft that starts with earnestly listening to the dreams and dilemmas of your audience. Adrian stresses the importance of understanding people’s goals and challenges, shaping content that resonates with their community’s aspirations and pain points.

During their brainstorming sessions, the team gleans insights from diverse interactions. They might tap into the energy of a noteworthy speaker or delve deeper into subjects that demand more spotlight. Adrian recalled an instance when they invited ‘Doctor Churn’, who challenged the gospel of NPS scores, to present his findings showing the metric’s limited effectiveness in predicting customer churn. This reflects the institute’s dedication to stirring discussions that matter.

Accountability in Marketing Goals

Speaking of churn, let’s talk goals and accountability. For a relative newcomer like the Customer Leaders Institute, the priority lies in content consumption, subscription renewals, and staying attuned to the pulse of their members. “The churn number… the renewal numbers are quite satisfying,” Adrian notes, hinting at a healthy engagement with their content, which is critical for a membership organization.

Their goal is to keep subscribers hooked and renewing by delivering value through their offerings. To truly gauge their impact, they assess content consumption, subscription metrics, and qualitative feedback on the educational courses provided.

Content Consumption in the Fast Lane

When it comes to content consumption preferences, it appears to be a smorgasbord. While some people relish eBooks, others lean towards digestible slide decks or short, pithy videos. Adrian recreated the Customer Leaders Institute’s latest eBook on pricing psychology into a brisk ten-minute video, catering to diverse learning styles and time constraints.

“How are you consuming content these days?” I couldn’t help but ask. Newsletters and podcasts rule Adrian’s world. In the breakneck field of AI, staying current means tapping into real-time community insights rather than relying on the slower cycle of books. He’s an advocate for the sharp, snappy updates from the likes of Today in Digital, which keep him abreast of the ever-shifting marketing landscape.

Finding Your Tribe in the Crowd

As we rounded off our chat, the topic shifted to identifying target audiences for a young organization. Adrian reflected on their brand’s transition, sharing that genuine conversations with their community were instrumental in understanding whom their content resonated with most. It wasn’t just about attracting community professionals; it was about engaging everyone passionate about customer-centricity and delivering value that aligns with that vision.

You can catch up with Adrian and the innovative work of the Customer Leaders Institute at mycli.co and follow their LinkedIn page for the freshest takes on customer engagement.

Our dialogue with Adrian left us with plenty to ponder, especially the merits of preparing meticulously for the future while maintaining the flexibility to adapt, listen, and create content that truly resonates. Keep this conversation going by staying in the loop with the NTM Growth Marketing podcast, where we decode the factors that drive growth and customer satisfaction beyond the surface.

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