
Each week we bring to you a discussion on the latest trends in digital marketing and how you can actually implement these strategies into your organization.

#89 What's New in Digital with Augusto Vilchez

“What do you think AI is going to be when it comes to marketing?” -Augusto Vilchez
In this interview, Augusto Vilchez, Media Buyer at No Typical Moments, speaks with Andrew about AI’s impact on media buying in 2023 and beyond while also diving into rises of new platforms like Snapchat, alternative strategies, and predictions for the future of VR advertising.

About the Episode

Today, we’re joined by media buying expert Augusto Vilchez, who shares his insights on what’s making waves in the digital world. With his hands-on experience at No Typical Moments, Augusto navigates us and Andrew through the dynamic ad platforms, the evolving role of AI in marketing, and speculates about the exciting frontier of VR advertising.

A Day in the Life of a Media Buyer

Before diving into the meaty part of our conversation, let’s set the stage by getting to know more about Augusto’s journey and his pivotal role at No Typical Moments. As a media buyer, his day-to-day is a mix of analyzing, optimizing, and strategizing. The goal? To ensure ads don’t just run – they perform. The hallmark of his success? The satisfaction of clients and the seamless teamwork that turns advertising goals into reality.

When asked about his comfort zone in digital platforms, Augusto mentions his expertise lies with Facebook and Google ads. TikTok and Snapchat? They’re like the intriguing new dishes he’s sampled and learned to appreciate. Still, it’s the bread-and-butter platforms of Facebook and Google where he’s truly at home.

AI: Friend or Foe to the Media Buyer?

As we approach our first major discussion point, AI’s influence becomes the center of attention. There’s no doubt AI is shaping copywriting, but will it eventually consume the role of the media buyer? Augusto tosses this hot potato Andrew’s way, and he must admit, it’s a question that demands contemplation

While AI’s efficiency can’t be overstated, the consensus here is that the human element remains indispensable. Sure, AI can handle mundane tasks, but it’s up to us to steer it, to polish the edges of its output.

“AI is creating more efficiencies in what we’re doing,” Andrew explains. And it’s true. But there’s no replacing the nuanced understanding and flexibility of a human touch. That’s why at No Typical Moments, we’ve shifted focus to include services like fractional CMO consulting and AI consulting – roles far from the cold grasp of automation.

“You need that human touch at the end of the day.”

The Next Big Thing in Digital Advertising Platforms

What’s on the digital horizon beyond behemoths like Facebook and Google? As we venture into uncharted territories, Augusto ponders the potential of upcoming platforms. Our exchange wanders from the ephemeral stories of Snapchat to the fresh vigor of TikTok, identifying areas ripe for innovation. Augusto’s hands-on experience reveals a strong case for Snapchat, especially within the influencer-focused domains.

Andrew throws in an analog curveball – handwritten thank you cards. There’s something remarkably powerful about the tangible, personal touch in our digital age.

“Everything’s digital,” Augusto reflects. And yet, in this vast digital landscape, they agree that human-driven gestures like thank you cards carry a unique, unrivaled impact.

Visioning Advertising in a VR Dominated Future

They wrap up their discourse with a glimpse into virtual reality – an immersive frontier where the line between the fantastical and the commercial is set to blur further. They swap thoughts over how advertising adapts within these new dimensions. Could VR evolve into a space where ads feel like a natural part of the environment, not intrusive but inviting?

Augusto dreams up a VR world informed by his experiences – one where personalized avatars and choice-driven advertising converge to respect user privacy while delivering tailored content.

Andrew’s take? Advertisements will persist in VR. But, like Augusto, he hopes for a future where they harmonize with our virtual experiences. As digital marketers and media buyers, our job will be to ensure ads add value to the virtual experience, not detract from it.


Our chat with Augusto Vilchez brought us valuable perspectives from the front lines of digital marketing. As the landscape shifts beneath our feet, the role of the media buyer remains a constant force, adapting to new platforms, new technologies, and new user behaviors.

So, whether you’re a seasoned professional in digital or just dipping your toes into this ever-evolving pool, keep an eye out for what’s next. What remains clear is that the secret sauce to longevity in this industry is a blend of adaptability, human insight, and a dash of old-fashioned personal touch.

Remember to stay tuned for more discussions like these that keep you at the pulse of digital innovation.

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