
Each week we bring to you a discussion on the latest trends in digital marketing and how you can actually implement these strategies into your organization.

#107 Enhancing Employee Experiences with Thom Robbins

“At the end of the day, it’s about making that employee experience as great as we can.” -Thom Robbins
Thom Robbins is the Director of Marketing for PeopleReign, a SaaS platform that automates IT and HR employee service and reduces call volume by 65%. Thom is a Sales and Marketing guru. He has been working with many startups over the past 10 years, helping them grow their marketing department and sales team. He loves mentoring and would be a great mentor to any digital marketer looking to grow or build a digital program in a B2B startup or any sales executive looking to grow their sales team. In this interview, Thom discusses marketing strategies, AI in the workplace, and building thought leadership.

About the Episode

Enhancing Employee Experiences: An Insight into PeopleReign’s Mission and Marketing Strategies

In an ever-evolving digital world, where technology continually reshapes our work dynamics, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in improving employee experiences is becoming increasingly significant. PeopleReign, a dedicated company in this realm, aims to alleviate common workplace frustrations by harnessing the power of AI. Recently, I had the pleasure of discussing this with Thom, who provided a wealth of insightful information about their mission, challenges, and the strategic importance of AI in enhancing employee productivity.

Understanding PeopleReign’s Mission

“Reign is a company focused on providing better employee experiences,” Thom began. This statement encapsulates the essence of PeopleReign’s objective. The company’s mission centers on alleviating the myriad of small yet time-consuming workplace tasks — from changing a 401K to ordering a new laptop — that employees often find frustrating. Using AI, PeopleReign aims to develop a bot that could potentially save everyone at least one hour per week, giving them more time to enjoy life and spend quality time with family.

“At the end of the day, it’s about making that employee experience as great as we can,” Thom emphasizes.

Thom’s Journey into Marketing

Thom, who heads the marketing department at PeopleReign, shared his professional background and how he transitioned from a developer to a marketer. “I started back in the old days as a developer,” he reflected, recalling his early career days at Microsoft, where he was involved in technical marketing. He became deeply interested in digital marketing, witnessing the significant transition from traditional marketing methods to modern digital strategies that tracked user behavior through various digital channels.

What Drew Thom to Marketing?

For Thom, the appeal of marketing lay in its blend of data analysis and human interaction. Unlike development, which is more binary—code works or it doesn’t—marketing enables exploration of the gray areas related to consumer behavior. This combination of human psychology and data-driven strategy makes marketing a continual learning process.

Surviving Economic Turbulence

Thom’s career has spanned several economic downturns, including the dot-com crash, the 2008 financial crisis, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these events has reshaped marketing strategies in notable ways:

  1. Focus on Business Value: Companies that emphasize business value and increased productivity tend to weather economic storms better.
  2. Customer Service: Maintaining superior customer service becomes crucial during economic crises, as it fosters customer loyalty and directs the development of new services and products.

Thom notes that during these periods, it’s vital for companies to highlight how their technology can save costs and improve productivity rather than simply presenting it as “technology for technology’s sake”.

The Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

A key aspect of PeopleReign’s marketing strategy is the development of an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Thom explains that many startups fall into the trap of trying to market their products to everyone, from teenagers to grandparents, across multiple industries. However, to scale successfully, identifying a specific target audience is crucial.

The ICP for PeopleReign includes businesses focused on enhancing customer experience with a defined service desk process and a clear mandate to improve productivity.

Building and Testing the ICP

Thom describes the process of building an ICP as intensive and iterative:

  1. Initial Hypothesis: Often starts with input from the CEO, who has a particular vision of the target customer.
  2. Research and Testing: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn and Reddit, and run targeted email campaigns to test hypotheses.
  3. Collaborating with Sales Teams: Gaining insights from sales teams who interact directly with customers provides invaluable data for refining the ICP.

“It’s the struggle of every marketing person out there,” Thom remarks, highlighting the continuous process of refining and testing the ICP.

Marketing Strategies: From Traditional to Innovative

Channels for Testing

Thom prefers rapid prototyping on platforms like LinkedIn, which offer detailed targeting and measurable actions. He also mentions industry consortiums and associations as valuable but low-cost testing grounds for thought leadership.

The Importance of Thought Leadership

Creating original research and thought leadership content, such as white papers and webinars, has been a cornerstone of PeopleReign’s strategy. These pieces not only provide value to potential customers but also position the company as an industry leader.

“Creating your own data and turning that into a leadership piece can significantly elevate your brand,” Thom explains.

Leveraging Email Campaigns

Email remains a powerful tool for testing content and subject headers. For instance, Thom recalls an instance where a meme from a popular movie received unexpected negative feedback, prompting an immediate campaign adjustment. This highlights the importance of being “ruthlessly relevant” in every aspect of marketing.

Successful Campaigns

One of the marketing campaigns Thom is particularly proud of involved redefining the company’s image in a crowded market. Through a combination of surveys, white papers, and partnering with larger organizations, they were able to create a new category within the industry. This campaign not only garnered significant PR but also influenced competitors to adopt similar messaging.

Accountability and Continuous Adjustment

Holding a marketing team accountable involves setting clear, measurable goals and constantly reviewing progress. Tom advocates for daily stand-ups and weekly reviews to ensure alignment and prompt adjustments based on real-time feedback.

Balancing Creativity and Performance

Thom emphasizes a balanced approach to managing creatives, acknowledging the difficulty of rejecting ideas while also recognizing the need for data-driven decisions. Celebrating failures and learning from them is as crucial as celebrating successes.

Surprising Marketing Mediums

Interestingly, handwritten thank you cards have proven to be an effective marketing tool for PeopleReign, often leading to higher engagement and better customer retention. Similarly, thought leadership classes and webinars have also yielded substantial results, demonstrating the value of low-cost, high-impact strategies.

Personal Insights and Recommendations

Towards the end of our discussion, Thom shared some personal insights, including his love for scuba diving and underwater photography. He also offered a practical recommendation—the best purchase under $100 he made recently was a set of rubber stopper lens caps for his underwater camera housing, which have saved him considerable money.


PeopleReign’s approach to leveraging AI for enhancing employee experiences, combined with their data-driven and iterative marketing strategies, offers valuable lessons for any organization aiming to improve productivity and customer satisfaction. Their focus on building a precise ICP, utilizing thought leadership, and constantly refining their tactics underscores the dynamic nature of modern marketing.

Stay connected with PeopleReign through their website and follow their insightful podcast on AI and the future of work.

“Our mission in life is to make that employee experience as great as we can,” Thom concludes, encapsulating the ethos of PeopleReign.

Thank you for joining us for this deep dive into PeopleReign’s innovative approach to improving the workplace with AI. We look forward to sharing more insights in our upcoming episodes!

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